Tag Archives: self doubt

Nothing is impossible

Devine Time

Devine Time

‘Trust in the Divine presence of timing’ a short little sentence that has filled every dream that came to me last night. A nice little reminder to me to have the trust needed; to move forward without placing obstacles in the way.

Obstacles that we all throw at ourselves every now and then. You know the one that we throw most Self doubt.

So my many dreams last night I am sure where to remind me of how to keep that obstacle at bay. Let the ego rack off since that’s where most obstacles come from and just move forward even if it is only one step at a time.

But why the self-doubt, what was plaguing my mind. Simple really financial issues. It has always been my weakness, even when I am feeling like all is going smoothly in life. The slightest hiccup with finances years ago saw me crumble. I have come along way since then and now don’t allow lack of money to interrupt the daily joy of life. Yet after 8 weeks of my husband not working it was starting to creep up on me. I know where we stand financial right now and we are by no means broke. However I also know how long the money we have left will last and it can be counted in days and weeks not months and years like I would like it to be.

Financial self-doubt was creeping up again, getting ready to raise its ugly head. Well sorry ego I have other planes and it doesn’t involve crumbling at this little hiccup. So last night in my dreams the message over and over again as my subconscious leapt from one dream to another was :

Trust in the Divine presence of timing

And this I plan to do. It doesn’t mean sitting here waiting for the knock at the door and it all changes it means being proactive in life. Too many people think that they can wish it or manifest it by simply sitting there wanting it bad enough. NO! You can’t to gain anything in life by wanting it bad enough. You must be an active participant in life and go out and take action to allow it happen. Divine timing will open the door at the right time, but that wont be your front door it be one of the doors you knock on.

If you follow these simple principle manifesting what you need is achievable:chase the dream

Firstly address your thought process,

  • Negative thoughts allow for continued negativity in your life.
  • Positive thoughts allow for continued positivity in your life.
  • Change your thoughts change your life.

Secondly get clear about what you want and why

  • A million dollars is fine to want but why do you want it, do you truly need it to be happy.
  • Health, happiness and harmony have so much more value than a million dollars.

Thirdly be clear how you ask for it

  • Debt free sure;  Bankruptcy can get you debt free. Or do you want that or the ability to pay off your debt with ease ?
  • If you want a new job no problem, do you need to lose it first, or transition smoothly into a new one?

Fourthly be prepared to work towards the goal, participate and create momentum for it to flow towards you.

  • If you want a new home, you need to be working out the budget, saving extra if needed, get your old home ready for sale,  you are not Dorothy and it wont just fall out of the sky.
  • After the love of your life, they are not knocking at your front door either, so if you stay home and don’t go out socializing they are not showing up. Get out of your comfort zone.
  • New career, but no skills or qualifications in it, well then open the text-book, enrol in the course get working towards it.

Finally never let the obstacles hold you back

  • Be persistent don’t give up because the first door didn’t open, it wasnt meant to, you are meant to keep going, Trust in the Divine presence of timing.

    nothing is impossible

    nothing is impossible

  • When others say you can’t let them know I can and I will.
  • Know you can achieve it. Believe in the power of you.
  • Be thankful for the process Attitude of gratitude.
  • Dont fear change Live without regret.